6th international conference about happiness at work
Happiness@Work 2020
19th November 2021, in 3D virtual world

Topic: Happiness at work in challenging times
How to prepare for the future from an individual, team and company perspective?
Taking advantage from the previous years´ experience, we would like to introduce a
very unique HR conference, conference you might not have experienced yet.
Modern, 3D virtual, covid-proof and yet still human...
Great speakers
you can look forward to:

Jason Fried
Founder and CEO, Basecamp

Janka Chudlíková
Lecturer and Coach

Tomáš Šebek
Founder of uLékaře.cz, Surgeon

Martje Wolff-Jansen
Co-founder, Happy Office

Ynzo van Zanten
Chief Evangelist, Tony's Chocolonely

Griet Deca
Co-founder & CHO, Tryangle

Libor Mattuš
Chief Biohacker & Co-founder, Code of life

Kim Hilgert
Co-founder, Tryangle

Michal Šrajer
Co-founder, Happiness@Work

Kateřina Nogolová
HR Director, Vítkovice STEEL

Martin Šafařík
Partner Happiness@Work

Fennande van der Meulen
Co-founder, Happy Office

Karolína Presová
Founder, Replug me
Day full of inspiration
You can look forward to the presentations, workshops, specific examples from real life situations and tools of the future.
We have invited the most inspiring speakers from Czech Republic as well as from abroad, to advise us on the happiness in these difficult times.
We will allow sufficient time to discuss, absorb and meet old fellows, network and build new partnership.
We open the gates of the 3D virtual world and EXPO
Happiness@Work principles (in crisis situations)
Michal Šrajer
How to re-program your brain in challenging times?
Janka Chudlíková
"Brain break" 🧠
🇨🇿 Breath and its impact on our immunity
Libor Mattuš
🇬🇧 Fit and healthy through the crisis
K. Hilgert & G. Deca
Break, time for EXPO and lunch 🍽
Sustainable team-work in digital era
Karolína Presová
Teams in real crisis situations
Tomáš Šebek
"Brain break" 🧠
🇨🇿 Happy teams in the digital age
M. Šafařík & M. Šrajer
🇬🇧 Building a positive teamculture: Be the change!
F. vander Meulen & M. Wolff
Time for your coffee, networking and EXPO ☕️
Tony's Chocolonely: purpose and inspiring culture
Ynzo van Zanten
Vítkovice Steel: how is heavy industry doing in these tough times
Kateřina Nogolová
"Brain break" 🧠
Basecamp: Great company culture built remotely
Jason Fried
Summary of the day and closing speech
Michal Šrajer
Afterparty, networking & EXPO!
All presentations will be translated to Czech and English.
For workshops, you can select the language based on your preference.
We are fine tuning last details of the program, please allow last minor updates at the day of the conference.
6th year
5 successful venues delivered, introducing great speakers from all over the world
8 hours
Inspiration in the form of presentations, workshops and discussions
Of enthusiastic participants who attended conferences in past years
3D virtual world
Taylor made virtual world Confer-O-Matic.

Big stages / Workshops / Networking / Interaction / Fun
Join us and experience the atmosphere first hand! (You mind want the Confer-O-Matic platform for your internal venues as well...)
Want to be involved?
Still hesitant?
Look what we have achieved and visit the conference pages from previous years:
web, presentation recordings from 2019 and 2018 and previous venues.